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<img src= width=79 height=40 alt="" border=1>Uncyclopedia - The Antidote to Wikipedia
Great Indian Mutiny, India - 18 minutes ago
After all the unbanding and unconferencing in the Bangalore Bar Camp, it is time for uncyclopaedia. “Bollywood is a very popular film industry and is as ...
Yes, Uncyclopedia is good for a laugh when you are finished with Wikipedia. It's also a good way to pretend that Wikipedia doesn't have and never has had any serious problems. And it's a good way to say that yes, Wikipedia allows criticism - like Uncyclopedia - while ignoring real criticism. Uncyclopedia is almost like the planted disinformation placed by secret service in any controversial incident, where a bogus conspiracy theory is pushed so as to hide the real truth (see Joe Vialls with regards to PA).

What irresponsible journalism.
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