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Wikipedia Review has the most comprehensive up to date coverage of the SlimVirgin scandal anywhere on the web. If we’re missing anything, please let us know! This is really long, with just a handful of comments, and is primarily web links that prove to the reader what is really going on. Judge for [...]
I've actually spent the past 3 days trying to compile this, before deciding it needed to be released to the public, and the blog is the best way to do that. Then we can all point everyone to that and they can sort things out from there.
Jonny Cache
Super Job !!!

I have to say I think you work much better in a fever state. So I'm wondering — are there any particular meds that you would care to recommend to the rest of us?

But — just to doo my dooty to criticality — what's up with all those extra square brackets?

Jonny cool.gif
The brackets make it look kinda like a wiki. Then if say Wikipedia decides that they want to write an article on her, then I've made it nice and easy for them to start off.

I'd really like it to be sent to everywhere really. I mean we have done so much work in the past 18 months, and right now its so disorganised, but yet its coming to fruition. I felt like we needed to have some kind of an index page to help to point interested parties to it. I don't know if this blog post is the best way to do it, but at least its there.

I added some of the pictures that have been floating around just to add colour. I could add more I guess. But I couldn't find more good ones that would embed.
Seriously, you need to go back in and hit all those URLs that are damning with something like If not, they can vanish them.
QUOTE(Infoboy @ Fri 3rd August 2007, 1:47am) *

Seriously, you need to go back in and hit all those URLs that are damning with something like If not, they can vanish them.

Can you do that for me? That'd be great if you could. The Jimbo one is the most damning, but there's others too. I don't really know how to use, I'm tired, and so forth.
great work
Well done Bliss. This is what the blog is all about.

After you mistook a poster for Chip Berlet, I was beginning to wonder whether you'd come over all Fred Bauder and had completely lost the thread of who was who on WP, but this more than makes up for it.
I just put links in there, not very many opinions. I didn't dare put in any opinions since I am high on codeine and other medications right now, and getting delusional fits and dizzy spells and fever and all of the rest.
I just updated it to include 3 recent beauties from the WikiEN-l mailing list:

With the Snowspinner one, I also filled in the backstory (not everyone who reads our blog necessarily understands the Snowspinner incident from last year, or why it seriously wasn't stalking)

Also, according to a comment in OhmyNews, the Linda Mack Schloff article has already been created, and has since been deleted - by Jzg.

I added that in as well. There's no reason why this post can't be updated a bit more too.
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