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A SHINY new version of the internet, dubbed Web 2.0 by US publisher Tim O'Reilly in 2004, really was going to change everything.

Look at Wikipedia, the internet's largest cathedral of knowledge. Unlike editors at a professional encyclopedia such as the Britannica, the identity of the volunteer editors on Wikipedia is unknown. These citizen editors out-edit other citizen editors in defining, redefining, then re-redefining truth, sometimes hundreds of times a day. Take, for example, July 5, 2006, the day Enron embezzler Ken Lay died. At 10.06am that day, the Wikipedia entry about Lay said the cause of his death was "apparent suicide". Two minutes later, it was changed to an "apparent heart attack". At 10.11am, Wikipedia reported that the "guilt of ruining so many lives finally led him to his suicide". At 10.12, we were back to the massive coronary causing Lay's demise.

QUOTE(guy @ Fri 3rd August 2007, 10:27am) *

Look at Wikipedia, the internet's largest cathedral of knowledge. Unlike editors at a professional encyclopedia such as the Britannica, the identity of the volunteer editors on Wikipedia is unknown. These citizen editors out-edit other citizen editors in defining, redefining, then re-redefining truth, sometimes hundreds of times a day. Take, for example, July 5, 2006, the day Enron embezzler Ken Lay died. At 10.06am that day, the Wikipedia entry about Lay said the cause of his death was "apparent suicide". Two minutes later, it was changed to an "apparent heart attack". At 10.11am, Wikipedia reported that the "guilt of ruining so many lives finally led him to his suicide". At 10.12, we were back to the massive coronary causing Lay's demise.

We must just pray that when your head's finished turning your face is to the front again.

--Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons
A shiny new version of the internet, dubbed Web 2.0 by US publisher Tim O'Reilly in 2004, really was going to change everything. With mass broadband access to the internet, the dream of a fully networked, always connected society was finally going to be realised.
It's that defining, re-defining, and re-defining truth bit is Wikipedia's single greatest problem. This is at the heart of the SlimVirgin scandal.

Would it have made a difference if we hadn't found out her real name? Or if we hadn't published it? Or if we hadn't found her own personal links to the Lockerbie bombing, and her connection to MI5?

Yes, it would have made a difference. Because if we hadn't found out any of that stuff, then we'd simply be making wild, unfounded accusations that no newspaper or journalist would take seriously. It would interest people over the internet, but that's about it. And we'd fall victim to Wikipedia's ability to make things "disappear", and have a mighty hard time trying to prove everything.

It was never about trying to get SlimVirgin hurt, trying to stalk her, trying to get someone else to hurt her. It was about trying to stop her from changing truth.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Sat 4th August 2007, 9:55am) *

It's that defining, re-defining, and re-defining truth bit is Wikipedia's single greatest problem. This is at the heart of the SlimVirgin scandal.

Would it have made a difference if we hadn't found out her real name? Or if we hadn't published it? Or if we hadn't found her own personal links to the Lockerbie bombing, and her connection to MI5?

Yes, it would have made a difference. Because if we hadn't found out any of that stuff, then we'd simply be making wild, unfounded accusations that no newspaper or journalist would take seriously. It would interest people over the internet, but that's about it. And we'd fall victim to Wikipedia's ability to make things "disappear", and have a mighty hard time trying to prove everything.

It was never about trying to get SlimVirgin hurt, trying to stalk her, trying to get someone else to hurt her. It was about trying to stop her from changing truth.


A Poor Excuse Is Better Than None.

— My Mom, A Mum For All Reasons

Jonny cool.gif
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