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Yahoo! News
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, is the most impressive collective intellectual project ever attempted -- and perhaps achieved. It demands both the attention and the contribution of anyone concerned with the future of knowledge.

Google News
Wikipedia: Our virtual Middle Ages Sunday, Sri Lanka - 44 minutes ago Wikipedia embodies a democratic medievalism that does not respect claims to personal expertise in the absence of verifiable sources. ...
Google News

<img src= width=80 height=62 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia: Our virtual Middle Ages
Sunday, Sri Lanka - 4 hours ago
Wikipedia embodies a democratic medievalism that does not respect claims to personal expertise in the absence of verifiable sources. ...
QUOTE(Google News @ Sat 4th August 2007, 9:42pm) *

<img src= width=80 height=62 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia: Our virtual Middle Ages
Sunday, Sri Lanka - 44 minutes ago
Wikipedia embodies a democratic medievalism that does not respect claims to personal expertise in the absence of verifiable sources. ...

Who actually believes this crap?
QUOTE(JohnA @ Sun 5th August 2007, 12:58am) *

Who actually believes this crap?

Kool-Aid chuggers and people that are ignorant of the way Wikipedia actually functions.
What is democratic medievalism? Sounds like an oxymoron to me.
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