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Yahoo! News
Wikipedia's online collaboration is now being used to offer classes across the online world.

Yahoo! News
The online collaboration that has made Wikipedia one of the most used sources of information on the Internet is also being used to build a school and offer classes across the online world, and the project is taking off.

Yahoo! News
PC World - The online collaboration that has made Wikipedia one of the most used sources of information on the Internet is also being used to build a school and offer classes across the online world, and the project is taking off.

Yahoo! News
The online collaboration that has made Wikipedia one of the most used sources of information on the Internet is also being used to build a school and offer classes across the online world, and the project is taking off.

Yahoo! News
The online collaboration that has made Wikipedia one of the most used sources of information on the Internet is also being used to build a school and offer classes across the online world, and the project is taking off.

Google News

Wikipedia university enjoys strong growth
PC Advisor, UK - 18 minutes ago
Coordinators of Wikiversity, one of the major projects of the Wikimedia Foundation responsible for Wikipedia, say the online education project is picking up ...
Yahoo! News
Wikiversity: free online learning tool Coordinators of Wikiversity, one of the major projects of the Wikimedia Foundation responsible for Wikipedia, say the online education project is picking up speed.

Yahoo! News
The online collaboration that has made Wikipedia one of the most used sources of information on the Internet is also being used to build a school and offer classes across the online world, and the project is taking off.

Yahoo! News
The online collaboration that has made Wikipedia one of the most used sources of information on the Internet is also being used to build a school and offer classes across the online world, and the project is taking off.

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