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Yahoo! News
Wikipedia will try to communicate with China on its blockage of the popular reference Web site, as well as the intellectual property rights infringement issue, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said Friday. Wikipedia is still being blocked -- at least partially -- in China, and China's biggest online search engine has been listing Wikipedia content as its own copyrighted material.

Yahoo! News
Wikipedia will try to communicate with China on its blockage of the popular reference Web site, as well as the intellectual property rights infringement issue, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said Friday.

Yahoo! News
Wikipedia will try to communicate with China on its blockage of the popular reference Web site, as well as the intellectual property rights infringement issue, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said Friday. Wikipedia is still being blocked -- at least partially -- in China, and China's biggest online search engine has been listing Wikipedia content as its own copyrighted material.

Yahoo! News
Wikipedia will try to communicate with China on its blockage of the popular reference Web site, as well as the intellectual property rights infringement issue, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said Friday. Wikipedia is still being blocked -- at least partially -- in China, and China's biggest online search engine has been listing Wikipedia content as its own copyrighted material.

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