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Some of you may be interested in the Durova-inspired thread that's getting underway at Jonathan Hochman's site,

Jonathan's an upstanding chap, but it just pains me to see either his failure or refusal to acquire the facts related to the history of paid editing on Wikipedia. I wrote a lengthy explanation that should clear it up, but we'll see how Durova and her ilk try to chop me to pieces.

Interesting that whenever the money that flows to Wales from Wikipedia is brought up, the evidence is ignored. He completely ignored every such statement.
Even more laughable is when these supposedly open forums close threads because they're not going where the site owners want them to go. Why do I even waste my time?

QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 8th August 2007, 7:14pm) *

Even more laughable is when these supposedly open forums close threads because they're not going where the site owners want them to go. Why do I even waste my time?


Wow, thats pretty lame.
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