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Wikipedia Co-Founder to Test Quality Control Idea
PC World - 46 minutes ago
Tests on color coding edits to red flag potentially dubious content will be used on some smaller sites in the Wikia community, according to the site's ...
Yahoo! News
Tests on color coding edits to red flag potentially dubious content will be used on some smaller sites in the Wikia community, according to the site's co-founder.

QUOTE(Yahoo! News @ Tue 7th August 2007, 9:06pm) *

Tests on color coding edits to red flag potentially dubious content will be used on some smaller sites in the Wikia community, according to the site's co-founder.


This is an odd article. The language leaves some ambiguity but it seems to call JW "co-founder" without any reference to who else might have been a founder. It also seems to possibly be saying Anthere is a co-founder. It refers to a co-founder than never uses the word in a sentence with a specific person. t also seems to treat WP and Wikia as one "community."
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Wed 8th August 2007, 12:18am) *

QUOTE(Yahoo! News @ Tue 7th August 2007, 9:06pm) *

Tests on color coding edits to red flag potentially dubious content will be used on some smaller sites in the Wikia community, according to the site's co-founder.


This is an odd article. The language leaves some ambiguity but it seems to call JW "co-founder" without any reference to who else might have been a founder. It also seems to possibly be saying Anthere is a co-founder. It refers to a co-founder than never uses the word in a sentence with a specific person. t also seems to treat WP and Wikia as one "community."

If Jimbo can't seem to extricate himself from the conflict of interest that is Wikipedia/Wikia, then why should the media be expected to make that cognitive leap? When Jimbo sends a cease and desist note on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation, it comes from a e-mail address. The two are one, folks.

Google News

Wikipedia Co-Founder to Test Quality Control Idea
PC World - 2 hours ago
Tests on color coding edits to red flag potentially dubious content will be used on some smaller sites in the Wikia community, according to the site's ...
Yahoo! News
A way to ensure better quality control on Wikipedia entries by color coding edits to red flag potentially dubious content will be tested on some smaller sites in the Wikia Inc. community to determine its effectiveness, the co-founder of Wikipedia said Sunday.

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