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Full Version: India on 429/6 at lunch (Independent Online)
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Yahoo! News
India, after winning the toss, are 429 for six at lunch on the second day of the third and final Test against England.

Come on India! You can do it! Beat those pommies.
Hope you were cheering India in 1980 when they made 458-8 declared and thrashed Australia by an innings and 100 runs.
Well, I dunno, if Australia isn't playing I pick and choose who I like most, which varies depending on who I like, and how nicely they play. I like watching neutral matches more, as then its the love of the game. Every so often I support whoever Australia is playing, just because I get sick of how much Australia wins by. It was different in the 1980s though when Australia sucked. THEN I went for Australia always!
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