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The University of Illinois sets tuition rates for its first two degreed programs, in nursing and education, at its forthcoming online university. Beginning in January, the effort, named the Global Campus, will be groundbreaking -- but not literally. Here then are some FAQs about the University of Illinois' Global Campus, such as: What are the admission requirements for the Global Campus?

One hopes that this article is a spoof, though these days you can never be sure!
Question: What are the admission requirements for the Global Campus?

Answer: A broadband connection and Pentium 3 computer or higher.

Q: How will the Global Campus maintain the university's academic standards?

A: The same way Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) online maintained the standards set by three-dimensional Wal-Mart: low prices and high shopping cart conversion rates. In the case of an intellectual dispute between students and faculty, the final arbiter shall be Wikipedia .

Q: Will a Global Campus degree be worth as much as a degree from the physical campus?

A: Such values will be determined by employers and by bidders at eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) .

laugh.gif this is funny

Q: Will binge drinking be a problem on the Global Campus?

A: We're more concerned about binge pornography.
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