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Wikipedia is only as anonymous as your IP
O'Reilly Radar, CA - 39 minutes ago
What does Web 2.0 mean for your company? Get the latest on the why, what, who, and how of Web 2.0 in this report. Read more Smart thinking about the future. ...
With his newly released search tool Wikiscanner, you can search an index of 35 million Wikipedia edits by IP, allowing you to find edits coming from within organizations like the CIA or the EFF

Does Daniel Brandt know about this?
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Tue 14th August 2007, 1:20pm) *

With his newly released search tool Wikiscanner, you can search an index of 35 million Wikipedia edits by IP, allowing you to find edits coming from within organizations like the CIA or the EFF

Does Daniel Brandt know about this?

Yes, he posted in this thread which is about the same device/site but a different article.
Make sure to click on the link that takes you here. Maybe the blog should link there as well.
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