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Yahoo! News
We all buy chunk jewellery with designs, patterns and sequins. But how many of us know that making this chunk jewellery is also an interesting task. Sahar Zaman explores the art of enamel painting on jewellery.

QUOTE(Yahoo! News @ Sun 19th August 2007, 11:05am) *

We all buy chunk jewellery with designs, patterns and sequins. But how many of us know that making this chunk jewellery is also an interesting task. Sahar Zaman explores the art of enamel painting on jewellery.


I love it ! Spam-o-pedia in the media ! I sure hope there's an article on 'chunk jewelry' and a link to this industrious enterprise !

With Wiki Scanner being the final nail in Wiki's credibility - this is all it's good for - spam and corporate shilling.
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