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Wikipedia - The Weakest Link
Israel News Agency, Israel - 59 minutes ago
... Google, Google and Wikipedia, Wikipedia – the answer to your question! ... That's the question now faced by Wikipedia and its founder, Jimmy Wales.". ...
A wonderful article there by Debbie Lahav. It started slowly, but I felt it built in importance as you read it. It was nice to be linked too, although a link to the actual post discussing the block might have been better.

I particularly liked what they said about the new Baidu Baike aka Chinese Wikipedia, and how it is actually probably censored less than the English Wikipedia. China, full to the brim with censorship, is censoring less than Wikipedia. That tells us something. And China, who won't even say who its administrators are, is more transparent too.

But yes, a good article.

Although in saying that, it was a biased article too, as she was writing about a conflict that she was involved in. But she acknowledged that bias. So it becomes transparent bias, which is good.
INA has referenced twice as a form of censorship however after researching this claim I don't really see a issue on the deletion.

* 13:21, 4 January 2006 SemperBlotto deleted "Call-A.P.P.L.E." (failed RfD)
* 09:42, 20 December 2005 SemperBlotto restored "Call-A.P.P.L.E."
* 08:38, 19 December 2005 SemperBlotto deleted "Call-A.P.P.L.E." (content was: 'Call-A.P.P.L.E. Magazine is the monthly production of Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.)., an Apple users group. The Magazine was...' (and the only contributor was 'Callapple'))

That was more then enough time to get the article in shape and apparently it still failed the RfD. And the users talk page really doesn't have anything that is claiming censorship either. The admin actually restored the page and told him he could shape the artticle up and defend the RfD.

I fail to see the censorship. The article was about a organization not a wikitionary word. However I failed to find the RfD as well.

Joel Leyden
QUOTE(Hushthis @ Thu 18th May 2006, 5:25pm) *

QUOTE(sgrayban @ Wed 17th May 2006, 11:25am) *

I fail to see the censorship. The article was about a organization not a wikitionary word. However I failed to find the RfD as well.

I think it was speedy deleted. The offense seems to be that some self-righteous wikiadmin tossed around the term "spam" in the process of deleting the article. If people don't recognize the ambiguous threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia, those who enforce the capricious standard could have a bit of courtesy toward donors. Words like "spam" "troll" and "sockpuppet" serve no purpose in adminstering an encyclopedia. "Commercial link" works just as well as "spam" and but doesn't convey the notion that the donor is doing something wrong.

Yes, Debbie Lahav was brave to write the above story. It takes courage to go against a strong, polluted tide.
But she joins the ranks of many others as one can view daily on Google News.
As for the "self-righteous wikiadmin" that was Danny Wool. The Israel News Agency was around broadcasting news directly from the Israeli government before Wikipedia and will be there well after. As for Danny, professionalism is not a word for which he is familiar with. That is beyond transparent, and so are his actions. He dubs the INA as a "Vanity Page" - the GPO accredited INA has reported every terror attack in Israel over the last 11 years. As such, unilaterally deleting the INA from Wikipedia after a community vote to "keep" is nothing more than an insult to the terror victims and their families. Please note how I accent the INA and never a word about my own bio. People know me, I don't need a bio on Wiki. But people do need to learn about Israel - the only democracy in the Middle-East. For this, the INA needs to be visible. But in this regard, with Google News, I think that the INA is now very much in the face of both Wool and Wales. It did not have to be this way. But little is more precious to me than my children and the truth. I will never allow anyone to libel / slander me or those I know. To allow user Woggly to call me "dangerous to her children" on the world's # 16 ranked Web site is an insult that I will never forget. The injustice is not so much Woggly, as the adms who allow this sort of personal attack to take place with no punitive action re Woggly. Something stinks. As for my ban at Wiki, they should keep it as my legal threats are no longer threats ;> Lastly, when trained in an IDF combat unit, you learn one thing about what to do when being fired on - fire back and move forward.
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