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Google News

Wikipedia aims to roll over Google
Times Online, UK - 14 minutes ago
ON the front of Jimmy Wales’s black T-shirt is a fist holding what looks like a hand grenade, but which on closer inspection turns out to be a computer ...
Unrepentant Vandal
I have some faith in a collabartively edited search engine, actually. But I can't see it being based upon mediawiki software...
My comment on that article:

Wikipedia is an unreliable source of information. At Wikipedia, facts are subordinate to consensus, and its administrators are largely a group of teenagers -- literally, most of them are minors -- with no background or training either in the subjects dealt with by articles or in the administration of an information-gathering enterprise.

There are many documented cases of corporate and government meddling with Wikipedia articles, along with grossly inappropriate administrative actions, including the outright falsification of article content and personal biographical information by Wikipedia's senior administrators.

Be very, very careful with respect to anything Wikipedia touches.

Others here should make comments about Wikipedia in that article's comment section.
Google News

Wikipedia aims to roll over Google
Times Online, UK - 14 hours ago
ON the front of Jimmy Wales’s black T-shirt is a fist holding what looks like a hand grenade, but which on closer inspection turns out to be a computer ...
Google News

Wikipedia boss believes he has the knowledge to challenge Google
Times Online, UK - 10 minutes ago
A search engine created by the founder of Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, will be launched in December. Jimmy Wales, the former options trader who ...
Yahoo! News
Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia that lets its users contribute to content, is about to give birth to a sister site that wants to shake up the world of internet search.

Google News

Wikipedia to launch human search engine - 9 minutes ago
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales plans to launch Wikia Search in December, to eventually compete against automated search giants such as Google and Yahoo. ...
Yahoo! News
ON the front of Jimmy Wales’s black T-shirt is a fist holding what looks like a hand grenade, but which on closer inspection turns out to be a computer mouse.

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