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WR Editorials
On 31st August 2007, Wikipedia Review discussion forums welcomed a new member, ColScott, who began by writing a post about his own personal experiences on Wikipedia, titled “ColScott says Hola“. As at the time of my writing this blog post, the thread was on its 14th page, with 262 replies and 4,395 views, and [...]
QUOTE(WR Editorials @ Fri 7th September 2007, 3:22am) *

On 31st August 2007, Wikipedia Review discussion forums welcomed a new member, ColScott, who began by writing a post about his own personal experiences on Wikipedia, titled “ColScott says Hola“. As at the time of my writing this blog post, the thread was on its 14th page, with 262 replies and 4,395 views, and [...]

Good work Bliss. I like these summary / diary pieces.
We hadn't had a blog entry for a while, and I realised it was because we were focusing too much on stuff here! So that is the main thing being discussed. I didn't write it all that well actually, as I missed a few other discussion links, and it was probably more biased than it should have been but hey. I figure we should aim for at least 1 blog entry per week, but no more than 1 per day. If all that our blog was used for was to summarise what goes on here, then its a good thing, I think.
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