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Times Online.

"A project has been set up with the aim of usurping Wikipedia as the web’s leading reference work. Like its rival, the Citizendium site will solicit input from the public. But in a departure from the standard “wiki” model, it will be directed by expert editors, and contributors will be expected to use their real names. "

Quote from the article:

Jimmy Wales, the site’s founder, has acknowledged Wikipedia’s limitations. “If what you are after is ‘Who won the World Cup in 1984’, Wikipedia is going to be fine,” he said. “If you want to know something more esoteric, or something controversial, you should probably use a second reference – at least.”

Der Jimbo, there was no World Cup in 1984. It was held in 1982, 1986 and onwards. And I didn't even need to look that up.
Maybe he was thinking of hockey, though even then he's technically wrong as it was known as the Canada Cup until 1996.
It's just such a typically priceless gaffe. Obviously more amusing to the millions of us who virtually trace our lives by world cup years.


"Now let me just change"
QUOTE(Kato @ Sat 8th September 2007, 1:48pm) *

Times Online.

"A project has been set up with the aim of usurping Wikipedia as the web’s leading reference work. Like its rival, the Citizendium site will solicit input from the public. But in a departure from the standard “wiki” model, it will be directed by expert editors, and contributors will be expected to use their real names. "

Quote from the article:

Jimmy Wales, the site’s founder, has acknowledged Wikipedia’s limitations. “If what you are after is ‘Who won the World Cup in 1984’, Wikipedia is going to be fine,” he said. “If you want to know something more esoteric, or something controversial, you should probably use a second reference – at least.”

Der Jimbo, there was no World Cup in 1984. It was held in 1982, 1986 and onwards. And I didn't even need to look that up.

Well what do you expect of an American? Perhaps he was confusing it wioth American football, but yes 84 was a leap year. tongue.gif
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