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Wikipedia Discredits Reports Its Abandoning Open Editing
Information Week Weblog, NY -28 minutes ago
However, one possible change under consideration is a revision tagging tool that can be used to verify a Wikipedia article as accurate. ...

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This article describes David Gerard as "a director of Wikimedia U.K."

I'd never heard of Wikimedia U.K. so I looked it up. Indeed Gerard is a "director". Membership annually is £25, and "corporate membership is £250 (US$51 and US$505)

Having paid your money, up coming events include... er....
We are currently in the early planning stages for a major event in central London, which we hope will take place in the fourth quarter of 2007 or early 2008. This is hoped to include a number of presentations, an open meeting of the company to discuss possible future activities and events, and the public launch of the Chapter's initial projects.

We are presently uncertain about the exact date due to conflicting guest diaries, venue availability, and legal applications.

And that's it. That's what you get for your £25 a year.

Wikimedia U.K. is "an independent organisation that shares the goals of the Wikimedia Foundation and support them within a specified geographical region." I assume that Gerard and his British chums also plan to reap some form of financial windfall that will follow Der Jimbo and co in the next few years? God, if I'd only known when I innocently fell into this mess what I now know. mad.gif
who isn't tempted to attend, knowing that party animal David Gerard will be there?

The Iowa chapter of Wikipedia Review ought to be having our annual event , but we are currently having disputes with the Texas chapter, who wants to keep all the outing information within their own local chapter. It's really turned in to quite the spectacle and the Omaha chapter is now refusing to send us their SlimVirgin dartboard , in an apparent act of solidarity and empathy with the Texas chapter. They aren't even going to use the dartboard that weekend and it has really put a damper on the whole thing. Given recent events though, we are fairly sure we can secure Cyde for a keynote address and of course Jonny Cache's usual 12 hour presentation will kick off this year's festivities. unsure.gif
Chris Croy
Wikimedia U.K. is "an independent organisation that shares the goals of the Wikimedia Foundation and support them within a specified geographical region." I assume that Gerard and his British chums also plan to reap some form of financial windfall that will follow Der Jimbo and co in the next few years?

I don't know what purpose the UK chapter serves(Edit: See below), but I believe the entire purpose of the other chapters is to avoid having a single point of failure. Sure, Daniel Brandt can saber-rattle in the US...but what about France? Any attempt to kill Wikipedia would require the attacker file suit in over half a dozen different nations with radically different laws. Legal reasons are also probably why it took so long for a UK Chapter to come into being; UK libel laws make keeping any assets there risky.

Those editing in the UK can probably look forward to increased speeds as server hardware is set up the UK.

Edit: Donations. You can receive donations from the locals when you set up a local charity.
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