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Three Reasons Why Wikipedia Matters to SEO
StraightUpSearch, MI -1 hour ago
Wikipedia. It's that elephant in the living room. Actually, it's more like that elephant perched at the top of the SERPs for just about any topic under the ...

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The usual suspects comment on this one. David Gerard. Then me. Then my only-semi-deluded friend Jehochman.

Hochman states:

At Wikipedia, there is a conflict of interest policy that strongly discourages writing about yourself. As for writing about other topics to showcase your expertise, that's fine.

This is why I think he doesn't get it. So, it's not okay for Bill Gates to write in the Bill Gates article, but it is "fine" for him to edit on the articles about computers and operating systems and the city of Redmond (all of which he'd have a theoretical conflict of interest, but certainly a great deal of expertise)? That's fine?


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