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Japan Officials Warned Over Wikipedia
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA -20 minutes ago
AP TOKYO - A Japanese bureaucrat has been reprimanded for shirking his duties to make hundreds of Wikipedia contributions about toy robots, officials said ...

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"The agriculture ministry is not in charge of Gundam," ministry official Tsutomu Shimomura said.

maybe they are withholding his name because they don't want to out him! if they did out him, they could be an attack site, after all. ohmy.gif
QUOTE(BobbyBombastic @ Fri 5th October 2007, 1:28am) *


"The agriculture ministry is not in charge of Gundam," ministry official Tsutomu Shimomura said.

maybe they are withholding his name because they don't want to out him! if they did out him, they could be an attack site, after all. ohmy.gif

The last person to declare Japan an attack site was FDR.
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