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Full Version: Cable news reporter makes contact
> Media Forums > News Worth Discussing
I talked today with a cable network news reporter who wants to have me on his speed-dial. You see, his news program is going to be running "a bunch of stories in the next couple of months" about how "Wikipedia gets things wrong".

Should be fun. I'll keep you all posted. Sorry I'm not naming names or networks, but I don't want Jimbo calling this guy and putting the mind-rays to work. All in all, I think we can agree this is good news.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 11th October 2007, 8:11pm) *

I talked today with a cable network news reporter who wants to have me on his speed-dial. You see, his news program is going to be running "a bunch of stories in the next couple of months" about how "Wikipedia gets things wrong".

Should be fun. I'll keep you all posted. Sorry I'm not naming names or networks, but I don't want Jimbo calling this guy and putting the mind-rays to work. All in all, I think we can agree this is good news.


Good news indeed Mr. Kohs, keep us posted.
Yes, indeed. Wonderful news. cool.gif
Great news!
Firsfron of Ronchester
QUOTE(Nathan @ Fri 12th October 2007, 5:36pm) *

Great news!

As long as it's not Faux Fox News.

Congratulations, Greg.
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