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There are no limits to how far companies will go to create "designer truth." For example, when CFCs from aerosol cans, air conditioners and refrigerators were found to be running down the ozone layer the CEO of DuPont argued that there was no need to regulate CFCs because the …

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More recently, corporate employees have been modifying entries on Wikipedia. And once again ExxonMobil was caught red-handed. In 2004 revisions to a Wikipedia article substantially ?Ç£played down the impact of the spill on the area?ÇÖs wildlife?Ç¥ and ?Ç£cast a positive light on compensation payments the company had made to victims.?Ç¥ The changes were later traced to a computer at ExxonMobil. Other companies caught using similar tactics include: Anheuser-Busch, Pepsi-Co, and Wal-Mart.

Such corporate manipulations are deplorable because they callously prey on the fact that Wikipedia has now established itself as a reliable first port of call for information on a vast variety of topics. Wikipedia is not another marketing channel for corporate interests.
Someone needs to educate journalists more.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(guy @ Mon 15th October 2007, 5:51am) *


More recently, corporate employees have been modifying entries on Wikipedia. And once again ExxonMobil was caught red-handed. In 2004 revisions to a Wikipedia article substantially “played down the impact of the spill on the area’s wildlife” and “cast a positive light on compensation payments the company had made to victims”. The changes were later traced to a computer at ExxonMobil. Other companies caught using similar tactics include: Anheuser-Busch, Pepsi-Co, and Wal-Mart.

Such corporate manipulations are deplorable because they callously prey on the fact that Wikipedia has now established itself as a reliable first port of call for information on a vast variety of topics. Wikipedia is not another marketing channel for corporate interests.

Someone needs to educate journalists more.


But apparently they are too befudded by the WikiMedia Fundation's Designer Truth about itself to get demselves eddicated.

Jonny cool.gif
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