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Daniel Brandt
Maybe everyone knows this already, but I just noticed that if you search Yahoo News for the keyword "wikipedia," it is showing a link to a Fox News video segment on top. The one they show right now is from October 11, but I heard that there might be more from Fox News in the near future.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Tue 16th October 2007, 10:34am) *

Maybe everyone knows this already, but I just noticed that if you search Yahoo News for the keyword "wikipedia," it is showing a link to a Fox News video segment on top. The one they show right now is from October 11, but I heard that there might be more from Fox News in the near future.

Note that they had attorney Scott Sheftall in for a sound bite -- he's representing Fuzzy Zoeller.

It's another bash at Wikipedia's credibility and reputation. Can't hurt, and Fox News will reach the conservative die-hards who probably have some legal and business influence, too.

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