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Wikipedia founder to launch SA academies
Tectonic, South Africa -58 minutes ago
By James Archibald Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales will be in South Africa next month to promote his goal of having Wikipedias in all major languages around ...

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This is how Jimbo can take Wikipedia to the starving people of Africa. By giving them all their own local language versions.

There are so many local languages spoken in South Africa that there's probably a few spoken by just 100 or so people. Will they each get their own Wikipedia?
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Thu 25th October 2007, 12:44pm) *

There are so many local languages spoken in South Africa that there's probably a few spoken by just 100 or so people. Will they each get their own Wikipedia?

To be fair, it does say all major languages. But I've seen debates about how many different Wikipedias are needed to cover dialects of Finnish spoken by ethnic Finns in Karelia.
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