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Forget NY, it's Wikipedia that matters
The West Australian, Australia -21 hours ago
They say if you can make it in New York you can make it anywhere. But these days, it seems you haven't really made it unless you have that most prized of ...

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Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Fri 26th October 2007, 5:41pm) *

Forget NY, it's Wikipedia that matters
The West Australian, Australia -21 hours ago

They say if you can make it in New York you can make it anywhere. But these days, it seems you haven't really made it unless you have that most prized of ...
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Just speculation, y'know, but does anyone else get the feeling that maybe where some of that Wikipedia Slush Fund is going is to take college newspaper kids, naive, starving, or otherwise wowable reporters out to lunch and buy mass quantities of postive-spin press for the price of a few dozen Slushies?

Jonny cool.gif
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