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When Wikipedia Is the Assignment
Inside Higher Ed, DC -39 minutes ago
If there’s one place where scholars should be able to question assumptions about the use of technology in the classroom (and outside of it), it’s the annual ...

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Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 29th October 2007, 3:50am) *

When Wikipedia Is the Assignment
Inside Higher Ed, DC -39 minutes ago
If there’s one place where scholars should be able to question assumptions about the use of technology in the classroom (and outside of it), it’s the annual ...

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I submitted the following comment —

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ 29 Oct 2007 EDT 9:45)

When Educators & Journalists Need To Do More Homework

Educators know that education is as much about process as it is about product. They understand that students "learn by doing", by taking part in communities of practice. What do students learn by playing the Wikipedia online game? Answers to that question can be gleaned from those who have participated in the full range of Wikipedia activities and seen how it really operates beneath the surface. Those who wish to learn more, while escaping the troubles of personal participation, may sample the narratives and the occasional critical reflection that one finds at The Wikipedia Review.

You have to sign up to post a comment. There was about a 15 minute delay on posting my comment — Your Mullage May Vary. Their software deactivated the link to The Wikipedia Review, but there is a slot for a live link attached to the name field.

We really gotta educate these dudes!

Jonny cool.gif
Jonny Cache
Bumping this up because I want to make use of it tomorrow …

Jon Awbrey

QUOTE(Jonny Cache @ Mon 29th October 2007, 9:50am) *

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 29th October 2007, 3:50am) *

When Wikipedia Is the Assignment
Inside Higher Ed, DC -39 minutes ago
If there’s one place where scholars should be able to question assumptions about the use of technology in the classroom (and outside of it), it’s the annual ...

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I submitted the following comment —

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ 29 Oct 2007 EDT 9:45)

When Educators & Journalists Need To Do More Homework

Educators know that education is as much about process as it is about product. They understand that students "learn by doing", by taking part in communities of practice. What do students learn by playing the Wikipedia online game? Answers to that question can be gleaned from those who have participated in the full range of Wikipedia activities and seen how it really operates beneath the surface. Those who wish to learn more, while escaping the troubles of personal participation, may sample the narratives and the occasional critical reflection that one finds at The Wikipedia Review.

You have to sign up to post a comment. There was about a 15 minute delay on posting my comment — Your Mullage May Vary. Their software deactivated the link to The Wikipedia Review, but there is a slot for a live link attached to the name field.

We really gotta educate these dudes!

Jonny cool.gif

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