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An interesting solution to problem of trust has been put forward by a group of Wikipedia users: verified information that cannot be edited.

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 31st October 2007, 3:07am) *

verified information that cannot be edited.

What a novel and brilliant idea. Why have other encyclopaedia compilers not thought of it?
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(guy @ Wed 31st October 2007, 8:45am) *

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 31st October 2007, 3:07am) *

verified information that cannot be edited.

What a novel and brilliant idea. Why have other encyclopaedia compilers not thought of it?

Yeah, and to guarantee the permanence of the records they could take them off the TV altogether and produce multiple facsimiles of the information by means of some kind of indelible character imprinting substance on some kind of hard but still pliable medium of storage that could be mass distributed to the libraries and living rooms of the general public, where they could be edited or effaced only by little kids with crayons who had not been larned yet to know any better …

QUOTE(John Lennon @ Imagine)

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Jonny cool.gif
I can't put my finger on it, but I am sure that I have heard of this idea before.
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