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Wikipedia: The next generation
Toronto Star, Canada -2 hours ago
It's called Veropedia. Its goal: To create something that students and teachers can rely on Anyone who has ever warned a student about the perils of relying ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Sun 4th November 2007, 11:43am) *

Wikipedia: The next generation

It's called Veropedia. Its goal: To create something that students and teachers can rely on Anyone who has ever warned a student about the perils of relying ...

Huh, Danny's from Toronto.
"The idea of Veropedia is to improve Wikipedia, to create something serious and stable that students and teachers can rely on," says Wool, who was raised in Toronto.

Why isn't there a list of editors on Veropedia, other than a partial one seen on recent changes?
About 100 of Wikipedia's editors and contributors have joined Wool in Veropedia. They are not competing with Wikipedia, his former employer, only cleaning it up and making it more reliable, he says. He says his disagreements with Wikipedia, which he left six months ago, were over "management issues."

WMF officially acknowledges Veropedia.
"We welcome Veropedia to cyberspace!" wrote Sandy Ordonez, speaking for the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. "The more free content projects of high quality, the better for the world. We hope they do very well indeed."

As another RS, this will help Veropedia survive the AFD on WP.
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