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Interview: Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales
Atomic, Australia - 24 minutes ago
... Since its conception five years ago, Wikipedia has become a cultural phenomenon. ... Of course, Wikipedia is not without its share of controversy. ...
Jimmy Wales: Yes, but it is important to know that we don't just mean 'free as in beer' but 'free as in speech.' All of our work is placed under a free licence so that others may copy, modify and redistribute it. The goal is to allow people to adapt the information to whatever specific local needs they may have.

I am still confused on his definition of "freedom of speech". He bans all critic's and anyone that even mentions a legal issue, right or wrong. Even the admin have clearly blocked anyone for either a personal reason or on grounds of being distruptive when those have been very questionable.
Google News
Interview: Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales
Atomic, Australia - 32 minutes ago
... Since its conception five years ago, Wikipedia has become a cultural phenomenon. ... Of course, Wikipedia is not without its share of controversy. ...
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