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Inside, Wikipedia is more like a sweatshop than Santa's workshop
Guardian Unlimited, UK -1 hour ago
Wikipedia is frequently touted as a marvel of collaboration, a model of peer production. But it may be more instructive as a laboratory of pathologies of ...

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This one is a must-read. The article is by Seth Finkelstein.

Lede paragraph...


Wikipedia is frequently touted as a marvel of collaboration, a model of peer production. But it may be more instructive as a laboratory of pathologies of social interaction. While perhaps - like sausages - it's better not to see the product being made, any familiarity with how Wikipedia operates should give rise to enormous scepticism about its alleged example of harmonious collective action.

There are multiple references to WR coverage of recent events.

See also the follow-up blog.
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 5th December 2007, 8:03pm) *

Inside, Wikipedia is more like a sweatshop than Santa's workshop
Guardian Unlimited, UK -1 hour ago
Wikipedia is frequently touted as a marvel of collaboration, a model of peer production. But it may be more instructive as a laboratory of pathologies of ...

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For all Jimmy Wales's self-promotion regarding his supposed ability to build good communities, it's apparent his skill is instead in knowing how to sell a dysfunctional community effectively.
---Seth Finkelstein
Is Wikipedia a "marvel of collaboration" and a "model of peer production"? Or is it a poorly implemented bureaucracy, with "fiefdoms, cliques and sycophancy to the charismatic leader"?

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Disillusioned Lackey
his toxic mix of paranoia, fear of infiltrators and a social system where status can be acquired by fighting off threats (real or imagined) exploded recently into a governance scandal familiar to any observer of bureaucratic politics. A prominent Wikipedia administrator unilaterally revoked the account of a highly regarded contributor. When questioned, the response claimed the evidence was too sensitive to be released to the public, but had been vetted at the highest levels. Shortly after, the administrator reversed the action, apologising and citing new information. The end of the matter? No. It had barely begun.

The secret dossier was leaked, and turned out to be a deeply flawed quasi-profiling purportedly establishing the suspected contributor as, paraphrased, a sleeper agent for an enemy cell (that is, from Wikipedia Review) bent on disruption. Yet official actions were taken to stop the leak from being posted in Wikipedia discussion under the pretext of "policy and violating copyright" (

And who might that be?

She bought herself relief from one major newspaper, by getting rid of the SF bio. She was lucky.

So how will the Cabal take this?

Clearly The Guardian is an attack site, any links must now be removed.

...but surely the Guardian is a mainstream newspaper and Verifiability policy says this is a "most reliable source". The old guard really wanted that wording in there even when people like Jossi (typically a defender of the faith on policy if I read him right) thought it was out of whack.

QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Wed 5th December 2007, 5:30pm) *

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 5th December 2007, 8:03pm) *

Inside, Wikipedia is more like a sweatshop than Santa's workshop
Guardian Unlimited, UK -1 hour ago
Wikipedia is frequently touted as a marvel of collaboration, a model of peer production. But it may be more instructive as a laboratory of pathologies of ...

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For all Jimmy Wales's self-promotion regarding his supposed ability to build good communities, it's apparent his skill is instead in knowing how to sell a dysfunctional community effectively.
---Seth Finkelstein

"For all Jimmy Wales's self-promotion regarding his supposed ability to build good communities, it's apparent his skill is instead in knowing how to sell a dysfunctional community effectively. "

That does seem to sum it up, but how does one define a "functional community"?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(emesee @ Mon 23rd February 2009, 2:33pm) *


For all Jimmy Wales's self-promotion regarding his supposed ability to build good communities, it's apparent his skill is instead in knowing how to sell a dysfunctional community effectively. —Seth Finkelstein

"For all Jimmy Wales's self-promotion regarding his supposed ability to build good communities, it's apparent his skill is instead in knowing how to sell a dysfunctional community effectively. "

That does seem to sum it up, but how does one define a "functional community"?

We've discussed this before.

Functionality is defined relative to an end, that is, a goal.

Most of us call Wikipedia dysfunktional because we take its e-spoused aim-claim — to build an encyclopedia, yadda, yadda — at face value. And we judge that it's Dys to that Paradys.

After some time of trying to use that hypothesis to make sense of things — again and again and again frustrated.gif — some of us will e-ventually try another theory idea.gif that maybe, just maybe Wikipedia is very functional in regard to its actual aim, namely, the aim of the Bull Shooter who wields the game of the name, Jim Bow.

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