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Disillusioned Lackey
Wikipedia: Testsieg und Verschwörungen
Heise Newsticker - 5. Dez. 2007
Die Veröffentlichung der Mailingliste ist eine Folge eines langen Streits um die Wikipedia-Administratorin "Durova", die durch die unbegründete Sperrung ...
"Wikipedia: test-victory and conspiracies"

In a nutshell, the German magazine Stern did a comparison of the German Wikipedia with the German Brockhaus encyclopedia, and the German Wikipedia came out the winner. However, they could not give an equally glowing review to the English Wikipedia, because of the Durova/Sekrit Mailing List scandal.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Fri 7th December 2007, 7:48pm) *

"Wikipedia: test-victory and conspiracies"

In a nutshell, the German magazine Stern did a comparison of the German Wikipedia with the German Brockhaus encyclopedia, and the German Wikipedia came out the winner. However, they could not give an equally glowing review to the English Wikipedia, because of the Durova/Sekrit Mailing List scandal.

That's not the spin Eric Moeller is putting on it. smile.gif

On the Foundation donation pages....
QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Fri 7th December 2007, 5:55pm) *

That's not the spin Eric Moeller is putting on it. smile.gif

On the Foundation donation pages....

Got a link?

Die Veröffentlichung der Mailingliste ist eine Folge eines langen Streits um die Wikipedia-Administratorin "Durova", die durch die unbegründete Sperrung anderer Wikipedia-User aufgefallen war. The announcement of the mailing list is a consquence of a lengthy conflict around the Wikipedia administrator "Durova," who had come to public attention via the arbitrary blocking of other Wikipedia users.

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