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Full Version: ZenWhat can be unblocked
> Wikimedia Discussion > Editors

I have not reviewed Zenwhat's edits and know him only from interactions on my talk page. Mostly he has come there and joked around, but not in any particularly bad way if I recall. We have had some tongue-in-cheek discussions that I enjoyed. However, article space joking around is of course Not Funny™, and I don't approve of that. But making fun of Cade Metz's bizarre rantings in The Register seems like a good thing. I would recommend and request that he be unblocked but under a very firm request not to joke around in article space. Of course I say this not having reviewed his contributions, so I could be wrong. --[[User:Jimbo Wales|Jimbo Wales]] ([[User talk:Jimbo Wales|talk]]) 06:10, 8 February 2008 (UTC)

His edits? I dunno, whatever.

But he made fun of the critical Register article. Please unblock.
So, now there is not only thought crime that will get you banned, but anti-thought crime that will get you unbanned?

Wikipedia would be so much more sucessful as a comedy.
But that would run unclopedia (wirting?) and Enclopedia dramatica out of bussiness. blink.gif
QUOTE(Amarkov @ Wed 13th February 2008, 4:40pm) *

So, now there is not only thought crime that will get you banned, but anti-thought crime that will get you unbanned?

Wikipedia would be so much more sucessful as a comedy.

Would be? Get yourself banned and you'll find the laughs come quite easily :-D
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