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If anyone wants to be blocked by Jehochman (or some other "banned meme" Wikipediot), just post a link to one of my Wikipedia Review posts on Jimbo's talk page. It's simple, and it's assured.

That's what happened today to User:CurbSitter, for contributing this horrifying question to Jimbo.

Good thing THAT's been expunged from Wikipedia Talk space!


P.S. If anybody's wondering about the personally-identifying name of User:Wikipedia Review, they need look no further than this "outing" page. At least on that page, they got all but one sockpuppet correct (so, I don't know why they're "suspected"). Poor User:Ray Regan -- nothing to do with Wikipedia Review.
I was reading the WP Wookieeeeees on L's listservs for about 6 hours and I am beside myself with all the stuff that clown Jimbo says, from combating BADSITES to encouraging his minions to form some kind of policing / legal unit to fight the world outside Wikicult.

Additionaly, IrishGuy is now acting positively femmish listing my joinage of this site as proof that he was divinely correct in killing two links I placed on wikipedia. I am so going to spread his ass like jelly on a cracker and eat it. I didn't know WP was such a rah rah supercult.

I swear In read something yesterday like "Hey Jimbo didja know people hate us?" "Yeah, I can't imagine why. Well one thing is sure, we can do without the edits of anyone who criticizes an admin."

Also, I noticed that the first year was all this guy Robert trying to get all the other editors kicked off the initial project.
QUOTE(FLIPSIDE @ Tue 26th February 2008, 5:26pm) *

...the WP Wookieeeeees on L's listservs

Links, please?

QUOTE(FLIPSIDE @ Tue 26th February 2008, 5:26pm) *
I am so going to spread his ass like jelly on a cracker and eat it.

There's a fairly organized sub-chapter of Wikipedians devoted to, shall we say, "alternative" sexual fetishes and orientations. You might not want to be promoting your desire to spread and eat some Wikipediot's ass. They might be "into" that, for all we know.


QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 26th February 2008, 9:41pm) *

If anyone wants to be blocked by Jehochman (or some other "banned meme" Wikipediot), just post a link to one of my Wikipedia Review posts on Jimbo's talk page. It's simple, and it's assured.

ah yes, jehochman. the COI guy I emailed last summer with all the gary details, only to be blown off dismissively. now he's kissing cla68's ass on WP about the same thing. i guess he learned the "if only someone would have told me!" act from jimmyhat.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 26th February 2008, 11:08pm) *

There's a fairly organized sub-chapter of Wikipedians devoted to, shall we say, "alternative" sexual fetishes and orientations. You might not want to be promoting your desire to spead and eat some Wikipediot's ass. They might be "into" that, for all we know.

I will *not* be searching "Tossed Salad" on WP anytime soon. Turd Burlgar was traumatic enough.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 26th February 2008, 11:08pm) *

There's a fairly organized sub-chapter of Wikipedians devoted to, shall we say, "alternative" sexual fetishes and orientations. You might not want to be promoting your desire to spead and eat some Wikipediot's ass. They might be "into" that, for all we know.

There's probably a Wikia site on the subject.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 26th February 2008, 1:41pm) *

P.S. If anybody's wondering about the personally-identifying name of User:Wikipedia Review, they need look no further than this "outing" page.

That's actually quite a fair point. I've removed the name quoted there and have done similar before. Fair is fair.
QUOTE(Alison @ Tue 26th February 2008, 6:40pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 26th February 2008, 1:41pm) *

P.S. If anybody's wondering about the personally-identifying name of User:Wikipedia Review, they need look no further than this "outing" page.

That's actually quite a fair point. I've removed the name quoted there and have done similar before. Fair is fair.

Thanks, Alison, but you missed a spot.

Wookies on L's = wikien-l
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