This blog post is well worth looking at, then especially the Comment # 13:


March 2nd, 2008 at 10:35 pm

Um, Arrington? Did you not notice the INCREDIBLE irony of the “technology visionary” at the center of this scandal and the nature of his visionary company? THOUSANDS of people have wound up with private details spilled out in the “encyclopedia that anyone can edit”, in which “anyone” also includes “obsessive stalkers” or “corporate rivals” or “batsh*t crazy ex-girlfriends”.

I could care less who he’s doing or with what plastic appendage, ValleyWag ain’t nothin’ but the second most popular Web 2.0 scandalsheet. Those who have had their dirty laundry aired on the first have been waiting for this comeuppance for a lonnnnnnnng time.

And Comment # 54 is especially insightful:

Dave Winer

March 3rd, 2008 at 3:57 am

Mike, I don’t like VW, but I think you’re wrong in this case.

I just read both of the recent pieces on the visionary and his angry girlfriend, and the issue is very much related to who he is and the integrity of the publication he manages.

By coincidence yesterday I wrote up a long-standing issue I have with Wikipedia, that I don’t get any mention in articles on blogging (and also RSS though I didn’t mention that in yesterday’s piece). I’ve raised it quite a few times, even to the visionary, but since I’m not available for ‘fucking his brains out 24 hours straigHt’, the problem has never been turned over to his internal fix-committee, and people who want to know about blogging or RSS get the idea that other people did the work and took the risks that I did.

In other words, you’ve taken the side of one sleazy publication over another. THe same question you ask in your headline could realisitically be asked about Wales’s publication as well. If they ever want to get their reputation out of the gutter, they should get themselves a new visionary. This kind of lunacy, where he leaves a trail of his conflicts of interest out there so openly and remains in charge of the publication tarnishes the rep of the whole publication. That’s definitely a legit area of public interest,

ALso as a postscript if you and others in the tech press were a little tougher on the integrity of Wikipedia there might not be an opening for Valleywag. If you cared about the underlying story, if you were taking care of the real problem, then you’d have a legitimate gripe about VW publishing the sordid details.
If the problems of Wikipedia were being discussed openly and seriously entrepreneurs might be busily at work creating systems that can’t be controlled by a guy like Wales.

One more note, I think the stuff they’ve written about you is not like this Wales story, isn’t revealing anything that I or anyone else needs to know about Tc. And they totally distort stories, they ran a personal ad of mine from fourteen years ago, as if it were current. I think they’re pathetic as a gossip rag, often beneath contempt. So you know it takes a lot for me to take their side in a dispute. I think Wales is even worse. I’ve had several interesting disucssions with Denton, at least he openly admits to being a sleazebag. Wales on the other hand is well, I’m going to stop right there.

I hope that Dave Winer reads Wikipedia Review.
