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I haven't been following this very closely, but Tony Sidaway, a veteran of internet bitch-fests long before he became such an odious presence on WP, appears to have concocted a new persona. This is known as Anticipation of a New Lover's Arrival, The.

The new persona has been turning up around the place like a stale fart. Including on Wikiback where it was roundly dismissed as resentful nuisance.

I'm posting this here as a placeholder, for what I imagine will be a thread detailing the usual obnoxious nonsense emanating from this unwelcome persona.
See the MM arbcom case - has suddenly felt that is his duty to comment on absoloutely everything going on. I thought tony had got better - apparently not.
QUOTE(Viridae @ Tue 4th March 2008, 5:03am) *

See the MM arbcom case - has suddenly felt that is his duty to comment on absoloutely everything going on. I thought tony had got better - apparently not.

It seems almost like an actor performing a character. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. And there are similarities between this persona and the last days of Kelly Martin, where Kelly admitted she was "trolling Wikipedia".
Pumpkin Muffins
QUOTE(Viridae @ Tue 4th March 2008, 5:03am) *

See the MM arbcom case - has suddenly felt that is his duty to comment on absoloutely everything going on. I thought tony had got better - apparently not.

Here is a perfect example of where group culture could come into play - in academic settings there is an old saying "publish or perish". Translated into wikipedia's paradigm, someone who doesn't create content or improve the state of the art shouldn't be important.
It figures he'd name himself after a GSV-type ship... The GCU ones are waaay better!

I mean, I like science fiction novels as much as the next guy, but isn't it sort of pathetic when they do things like this? It was probably cute in the early days of WP, in a geeky sort of way, but you'd think by now they would have realized.
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 3rd March 2008, 9:35pm) *

It figures he'd name himself after a GSV-type ship... The GCU ones are waaay better!

I mean, I like science fiction novels as much as the next guy, but isn't it sort of pathetic when they do things like this? It was probably cute in the early days of WP, in a geeky sort of way, but you'd think by now they would have realized.

For that, they'd have to realize that Wikipedia is connected to the real world by more than a thread.
Aaron Brenneman
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 4th March 2008, 4:35pm) *

It was probably cute in the early days of WP, in a geeky sort of way, but you'd think by now they would have realized.

I think the new name is ace.
  1. It's got a sweet, romantic tinge to it. A bit sad, too.
  2. It's got a persnickety twist, what with the ", The."
  3. It's based upon an uber-cool series of books.

I note that after an eternity (26 November 2004 to 25 February 2008) as Tony Sidaway the name-change comes close on the heels of the editing sanctions.

Which, on the one hand is both understandable and logical. Riffing off the "persona" comment above, and based upon Tony's past indications that he's always playing a role to some degree (a.k.a. Sherylin) it would be sensible to rise Phoenix-like from the ahes and try something new.

What I find neither understandable nor logical is going to the trouble to make a pseudo-name-change and then A) Link your old user page, and B) Act in an identical manner. Wouldn't a different signature have doen the same thing with less complication?
QUOTE(Aaron Brenneman @ Tue 4th March 2008, 12:03am) *
What I find neither understandable nor logical is going to the trouble to make a pseudo-name-change and then A) Link your old user page, and B) Act in an identical manner.

Maybe he read the Wiki_Mule article, and didn't want to be viewed as yet another "classic case" by not admitting who he is up front? Dang, we might have to add another section to that one... and I haven't even logged on to that thing in almost a month!

Wouldn't a different signature have doen the same thing with less complication?

A different signature for the same account? Naah, that wouldn't have the desired nose-thumbing effect. I'd say - purely from a psychological perspective - that he's trying to reassert some level of intellectual superiority, which is also evident from the choice of name. Even if it's only in his own head, it's probably important to him as a way of regaining some degree of self-respect, at least within the WP-community context. Such as it is.
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 4th March 2008, 6:15am) *

I'd say - purely from a psychological perspective - that he's trying to reassert some level of intellectual superiority, which is also evident from the choice of name.

I find his new username distasteful.
QUOTE(Proabivouac @ Tue 4th March 2008, 7:02am) *

QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 4th March 2008, 6:15am) *

I'd say - purely from a psychological perspective - that he's trying to reassert some level of intellectual superiority, which is also evident from the choice of name.

I find his new username distasteful.

Being a Banks fan, both with and without the M, I don't read it as a reference, simply an overly long sexualising distraction. So I agree. Or as my kids would put it, it's a bit gay.
QUOTE(Kato @ Tue 4th March 2008, 4:29am) *

I haven't been following this very closely, but Tony Sidaway, a veteran of internet bitch-fests long before he became such an odious presence on WP, appears to have concocted a new persona. This is known as Anticipation of a New Lover's Arrival, The.

The new persona has been turning up around the place like a stale fart. Including on Wikiback where it was roundly dismissed as resentful nuisance.

I'm posting this here as a placeholder, for what I imagine will be a thread detailing the usual obnoxious nonsense emanating from this unwelcome persona.

Odd, are we sure it's not a sock of Jimbo?

QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Tue 4th March 2008, 2:17am) *
Being a Banks fan, both with and without the M, I don't read it as a reference, simply an overly long sexualising distraction. So I agree. Or as my kids would put it, it's a bit gay.


The Wikipedia article on the "Culture" series isn't especially bad, but this review might be a bit more enlightening:
The prime movers and shakers in the Culture are not humans. The true decision-makers are the Minds, advanced cybernetic intelligences that were originally built by humans and other races, but which have long since moved beyond their makers...

The Minds are people; that is, thinking, feeling beings with their own quirks and idiosyncrasies. They are usually the guiding personalities (of) ships, orbitals, stations, and other major constructs. The main difference between humans and the Minds is that the latter can think faster and deeper. And while humans and other alien species all play their parts in making the Culture run, it is the Minds who usually get rolling first, and who make plans for the big picture. So it is not surprising that the Minds get organized first when the Excession shows up.

An Excession is, quite simply, anything that is excessive: excessively powerful, excessively aggressive, excessively mysterious...

The Culture had actually survived OCP's (Outside Context Problems) before, but there was never anything quite like this, something so powerful and unfathomable that it made galaxy-spanning civilizations ripple and shiver just by sitting there. So a group of Minds form "The Interesting Times Gang" to deal with the problem, ships with names like Serious Callers Only, Anticipation of a New Lover's Arrival, Shoot Them Later, and No Fixed Abode.

So in essence, he's attempting to refer to himself (indirectly) as one of the "Minds" who comprise the "prime movers and shakers" of the Culture. And a name like "The Interesting Times Gang" is precisely what a group that others might call a "cabal" would probably prefer to be called.

So yes, definitely distasteful, but it's supposed to be distasteful - to everyone but him, that is.
The whole culture could be called Wretched Excess.
QUOTE(Giano @ Tue 4th March 2008, 8:25am) *

QUOTE(Kato @ Tue 4th March 2008, 4:29am) *

I haven't been following this very closely, but Tony Sidaway, a veteran of internet bitch-fests long before he became such an odious presence on WP, appears to have concocted a new persona. This is known as Anticipation of a New Lover's Arrival, The.

The new persona has been turning up around the place like a stale fart. Including on Wikiback where it was roundly dismissed as resentful nuisance.

I'm posting this here as a placeholder, for what I imagine will be a thread detailing the usual obnoxious nonsense emanating from this unwelcome persona.

Odd, are we sure it's not a sock of Jimbo?


I am pretty sure it's Tony. At one point he made an edit with his old account to edit a semi-protected page. His whole style of writing is also identical to the Tony we all know (and love). I'm certain it's not Jimmy. I don't think he has as much free time as Tony does.
QUOTE(Giano @ Tue 4th March 2008, 3:25am) *

Odd, are we sure it's not a sock of Jimbo?

Surely you can tell the difference in writing styles? I'd be willing to give long odds on it being Tony. Or were you just being ironic? I always miss that sort of thing. smile.gif
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 4th March 2008, 8:34am) *

So in essence, he's attempting to refer to himself (indirectly) as one of the "Minds" who comprise the "prime movers and shakers" of the Culture.

I just assumed he/she was a fan of women's fiction, and had read too many Mills and Boon novels or something:)
QUOTE(Lar @ Tue 4th March 2008, 10:18am) *

QUOTE(Giano @ Tue 4th March 2008, 3:25am) *

Odd, are we sure it's not a sock of Jimbo?

Surely you can tell the difference in writing styles? I'd be willing to give long odds on it being Tony. Or were you just being ironic? I always miss that sort of thing. smile.gif

Maybe this helps?

"Why of it, The
My email address:
Deleted comments are accessible in the page history"

Retrieved from ""
QUOTE(WhispersOfWisdom @ Tue 4th March 2008, 8:32am) *
Maybe this helps?

My email address:
Hmmm, I dunno. Do you have any real evidence?

Oh, sorry, I thought I was on the ArbCom for a minute there.
QUOTE(Aloft @ Tue 4th March 2008, 9:37am) *

QUOTE(WhispersOfWisdom @ Tue 4th March 2008, 8:32am) *
Maybe this helps?

My email address:
Hmmm, I dunno. Do you have any real evidence?

Oh, sorry, I thought I was on the ArbCom for a minute there.

laugh.gif Good one.
Thanks to Wikback I am now aware of the "Tony Sidaway Memorial Drama Queen Award" which goes back a few years - not sure how long, the first date I spotted in a quick Google was September 2005.

Perhaps you know better.

He is being a fool on Wikback, like asking what SH means on the Weiss ArbCom discussion. And he has a REALLY ANNOYING avatar there.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Aaron Brenneman @ Tue 4th March 2008, 6:03am) *

QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 4th March 2008, 4:35pm) *

It was probably cute in the early days of WP, in a geeky sort of way, but you'd think by now they would have realized.

I think the new name is ace.
  1. It's got a sweet, romantic tinge to it. A bit sad, too.
  2. It's got a persnickety twist, what with the ", The."
  3. It's based upon an uber-cool series of books.

It is, as you note, the name of a ship in an I. Banks novel: The Anticipation of a New Lover's Arrival. Sweet but not original. The "The" twist merely means it's part of the name, but it's written as though listed in a book index. Odd. blink.gif
"Anticipation of a New Lover's Arrival, The"

I mean no offense to Tony, but that's a pretty bad username. Well the last alias I heard him use was Sherilyn Sidaway and that's not very creative. He could at least take a trip to

He should make someting more akin with a hobby. Like he used to be big into anti-scientology, so make something like "Lord Xenu".
QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Thu 6th March 2008, 7:32pm) *

"Anticipation of a New Lover's Arrival, The"

I mean no offense to Tony, but that's a pretty bad username. Well the last alias I heard him use was Sherilyn Sidaway and that's not very creative. He could at least take a trip to

He should make someting more akin with a hobby. Like he used to be big into anti-scientology, so make something like "Lord Xenu".

lord Xenu would be blocked.

I thought he was pro scientology.
Was he not another of the anti-Scientology set that imported wholesale from Usenet? With Kelly and David Gerard?
I've seen names like Xenu. Other names are things like "The Brass Dog Incident" and stuff.

Oh and here's his bio
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