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Lately, with the old-line clique about as close to getting unfashionable as it's ever been, and many of the traditional cliqueistas either laying low and avoiding controversy, or even expressing occasional agreement in some topic or other with one or another of the traditional enemies of the clique, FeloniousMonk seems to be shaping up as the most hard-line and unrepentant clique member. Even JzG and SlimVirgin soften up more often than he does. On his talk page and various other user talk pages, he's lately trying to defend his attempts to forcibly "archive" discussion of Jimbo's recent troubles by saying that the people posting there are from the wrong "crowd", and "either mistaken or have some agenda". (Assume Bad Faith!)

He's responsible for some earlier idiocies, like here where he said "What I've seen here is very one-sided bullying and intimidation of SV over a petty, contrived issue," in response to a thread where SlimVirgin was in fact involved in very one-sided bullying and intimidation of others who raised a legitimate issue. And who can forget how he responded to the user behavior RFC on MONGO with the comment that "This RFC has been useful only insofar as it provides us list of all the ED-aligned nogoodniks who need to be watched and dealt with."

If anybody is making a list of the true nogoodniks of Wikipedia, he would be near the top of the list.
QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 6th March 2008, 5:14pm) *

Lately, with the old-line clique about as close to getting unfashionable as it's ever been, and many of the traditional cliqueistas either laying low and avoiding controversy, or even expressing occasional agreement in some topic or other with one or another of the traditional enemies of the clique, FeloniousMonk seems to be shaping up as the most hard-line and unrepentant clique member. Even JzG and SlimVirgin soften up more often than he does. On his talk page and various other user talk pages, he's lately trying to defend his attempts to forcibly "archive" discussion of Jimbo's recent troubles by saying that the people posting there are from the wrong "crowd", and "either mistaken or have some agenda". (Assume Bad Faith!)

He's responsible for some earlier idiocies, like here where he said "What I've seen here is very one-sided bullying and intimidation of SV over a petty, contrived issue," in response to a thread where SlimVirgin was in fact involved in very one-sided bullying and intimidation of others who raised a legitimate issue. And who can forget how he responded to the user behavior RFC on MONGO with the comment that "This RFC has been useful only insofar as it provides us list of all the ED-aligned nogoodniks who need to be watched and dealt with."

If anybody is making a list of the true nogoodniks of Wikipedia, he would be near the top of the list.

Yes I had seen his work earlier today when combing through Wikipedia. He received a pretty good beating on Giano's talk page after he tried to archive a discussion surrounding Jimbo's recent "unpleasantnesses" on Jimbo's talk page. FM hasn't been very active recently though, unless he has a sock (which is practically a guarantee).
QUOTE(Derktar @ Thu 6th March 2008, 8:21pm) *
FM hasn't been very active recently though, unless he has a sock (which is practically a guarantee).

User:B had introduced evidence that FeloniousMonk and OddNature were one and the same, namely Paul Mitchell of Macy's San Francisco Operations Center. The evidence, however, was not conclusive. We also know that Paul Mitchell posts on Google Blogger as 'Skip'.

FeloniousMonk, OddNature, Jim62Sch, ConfuciusOrnis, OrangeMarlin, and several others are all closely allied through the Wikipedia Project on Intelligent Design.

See also this thread which previously examined some of the evidence linking FeloniousMonk to OddNature.
You might find this interesting: I had a run-in with FeloniousMonk et al. a couple of years ago, which eventually prompted me to start a petition to get Jimbo to do something about administrator bullying.

I was attacked for it, obviously. I then thought I had come upon some damning evidence and tried to present that at ArbCom (ahahaha), during which I went off on some guy called WarriorScribe (Warrior Scribe!) and was perma-banned. So, it never really got off the ground, unless you count a whole bunch of bullies posting "This petition is a personal attack and is disruptive blah blah blah you know the drill."
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