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<img alt="" height="1" width="1">Bias At Wikipedia (satire), UK -15 minutes ago
The Telsa Purple Energy Shield And Keychain - SOVLE all your energy firled issue with the Telsa Purple Energy Shield: IF you happen to have “energy field” ...

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As amusing as the juxtaposition with the "Tesla Purple Energy Shield" is, that's actually the _next_ story in the feed. The whole text of this item is ANYONE see bias at Wikipedia? with a link to

The latter:

Wikipedia and Mud-Slinging

by Greg Lukianoff

March 24, 2008

Sadly, once again a critic has popped up accusing FIRE of being nothing more than a right-wing organization.

What makes this case somewhat different and more troubling, however, is that the critic in question is an editor on FIRE's Wikipedia page, and, therefore, has had a disproportionate effect on how FIRE is represented on the Internet.
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