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<img alt="" height="1" width="1">Wikipedia Chemistry Knowledge Released for First Time in Book Format
NewsBlaze (press release), CA -13 minutes ago
PITTSBURGH, Pa., April 16 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) --, a leading publisher of energy books, has put significant portions of the ...

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QUOTE(From the article)
Knowledge Publications, a leading publisher of energy books, has put significant portions of the chemistry content of the free online encyclopedia,, in full published, printed book form and has done so in full compliance with Wikipedia's GNU Free Documentation License. The book is titled, "The Chemical Educator: for The Chemistry and Manufacture of Hydrogen" (ISBN: 978-1-60322-067-5).

The new title is not yet listed, either on the publisher's website or on Amazon, so I have no idea what the list price is.

Also note that there is another book with almost the same title, that is a reprint of a 1919 book (which goes for $20).
Steven Harris, founder of, is a former automobile research and development engineer from Chrysler. He is so committed to the concept of open source and freedom of knowledge that next month he has planned to release an open source, wiki style, Ethanol Alcohol Fuel Micro Plant. This micro plant can make 5 gallons of ethanol fuel a day that will work in almost every vehicle on American roads. The micro plant is made from all off the shelf mass manufactured components and can be put together by an individual for less than $100. The open source project will include the details on how each person can get the free federal alcohol production permit.

Mr. Harris was also quoted as saying, "Let's see what OPEC thinks of information so freely available that a million Americans can make five gallons of their own ethanol fuel a day."

This guy might be a loon. I can't wait to see how many bananas, strips of bacon, and quarts of vinegar this "Micro Plant" is going to require to produce 5 gallons of ethanol. It'll probably take $13 worth of raw material per 5 gallons, plus 12 kilowatts of electricity.

That's just my hunch. I'm no "leading publisher of energy books" or anything.
And here I thought you'd come to this thread and get upset that someone is selling a print version of WP content for real $$$.

And I'm waiting for Jon to work out whether the book complies with the requirement that it credit all the authors who wrote those WP pages.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Wed 16th April 2008, 7:45pm) *

And here I thought you'd come to this thread and get upset that someone is selling a print version of WP content for real $$$.

And I'm waiting for Jon to work out whether the book complies with the requirement that it credit all the authors who wrote those WP pages.

Nah, I'm tickled whenever someone other than Jimbo and his cronies can make a buck off of "his" hard work.

And I think I can answer for Jon on the second item:

"It won't."
As far as I know, this is the first book-length ripoff of WP content, packaged and sold as a dead-tree volume. In that regards, it may establish a precedent for the interpretation and application of the GFDL.
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