eMarketer article asks, Can User-Generated Content Generate Revenue?

...as Andrew Keen, author of Cult of the Amateur, said in a Newsweek interview, “Nobody wants to advertise next to crap.”

"Given the size and level of engagement of the audience, advertising revenues around user-generated content will not approach the level one might expect,” says Mr. Verna.

Nevertheless, eMarketer anticipates US user-generated content advertising revenue will reach $824 million in 2012, up from $162 million in 2007.

If all user-generated content (which includes MySpace, Facebook, Flickr, Yahoo Message Boards, Wikia, etc.) is generating only $162 now, and only $824 million in four more years' time... what slice of that pie is Wikia's? It's got to be maybe 2% or 3%, tops, right? The Bessemer Venture and Amazon investors just might get back their $14 million in another 5 years or so, huh? They should have just invested the money in a 5-million-gallon storage tank full of gasoline.
