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<img alt="" height="1" width="1">Pro-Israel group plans to rewrite history on Wikipedia
صدى الوطن, MI -55 minutes ago
A pro-Israel pressure group is orchestrating a secret, long-term campaign to infiltrate the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia to rewrite Palestinian ...

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Mod please edit to note that the site is "The Arab American News", not "صدى الوطن". (and merge with whatever thread has the rest of the CAMERA stuff)
Um...this is sort of a huge deal. Might it merit moving to the main forum?
QUOTE(WordBomb @ Fri 25th April 2008, 7:37pm) *

Um...this is sort of a huge deal. Might it merit moving to the main forum?

Arab-Americans allege pro-Israeli bias. That's a huge deal?
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Fri 25th April 2008, 2:00pm) *

QUOTE(WordBomb @ Fri 25th April 2008, 7:37pm) *

Um...this is sort of a huge deal. Might it merit moving to the main forum?

Arab-Americans allege pro-Israeli bias. That's a huge deal?
I'm assuming you didn't read the story?

Of course, this could be ancient news, since I just found this (I'm so out of touch these days).

Apparently it got Zeq blocked for one year.

So yeah, I suspect it's a semi-huge-ish deal.

For the record, I hold my nose as I recommend anybody read a publication called "Electronic Intafada".
QUOTE(jorge @ Fri 25th April 2008, 8:55pm) *

PL, they don't allege it, they have proven an organized attempt to knowingly write falsehoods about Palestinian history.

Where do you get "knowingly write falsehoods?" What I saw was, you know, they're all biased against us, so we have to fight back. No one besides them is likely to contest that they have their own bias, however, where did they indicate any intention to add something that they don't themselves believe?
No surprises here.

But Zeq is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Articles like Israel Lobby in the United States are basically owned (in the WP:OWN sense) by some editors (GHcool in this case) with support of the Wikiclique (Bishonen/Bishzilla/LittleStupid in particular).
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