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<img alt="" height="1" width="1">Finding one's humanity; The failure of Wikipedia
International Herald Tribune, France -20 minutes ago
As a student of poetry and a reader of Mary Jo Salter's work, I'm moved to respond to James Logenbach's review of Salter's recent collection, "A Phone Call ...

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QUOTE(Concluding paragraphs from the article)
According to Citizendium, a competing online encyclopedia created by the Wikipedia co-founder, Larry Sanger, who was unhappy with the direction that project was heading, Wikipedia is "part anarchy, part mob rule. The people with the most influence in the community are the ones who have the most time on their hands - not necessarily the most knowledgeable - and who manipulate Wikipedia's eminently gameable system."

Robert McHenry, a former editor-in-chief of Encyclopedia Britannica, described Wikipedia as more of a "game" than an encyclopedia, and the source of "some very, very bad stuff."

We agree. Wikipedia's leadership will have to figure out how the experiment can be fixed. Until then, the only hope for improvement is to have more fair-minded people find the time to edit Wikipedia for accuracy and objectivity.
The conclusion isn't quite right. We need "more fair-minded people" to become admins, bureaucrats, CheckUsers and ArbCom members.
I regret that NYB is no longer available to play that role.

He may or may not have been as effective as one might desire, but to my mind he was as fair-minded as they come.
"Fair-minded people" asking why they need institutions like checkusers and arbcom in the first place might be helpful, too.
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