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Newsfeed, NY -43 minutes ago
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia anyone can edit, may strive for pure democracy, but that doesn't mean it's always fair. Our colleagues at CAMERA learned ...[/size][/font]
This is interesting. They respond to being caught with their hands in the cookie jar by loudly accusing the other side of doing the same thing -- which may very well be the case. The whole episode serves to dramatically highlight the fundamental problems with the structure of Wikipedia.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 14th May 2008, 3:21pm) *

This is interesting. They respond to being caught with their hands in the cookie jar by loudly accusing the other side of doing the same thing -- which may very well be the case. The whole episode serves to dramatically highlight the fundamental problems with the structure of Wikipedia.

"Honest reporting"? That sounds a bit like Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America....
Please refactor the useless <IMG> tag in the opening post, per the finite width of the screen on my computer monitor.
QUOTE(jorge @ Wed 14th May 2008, 10:54am) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 14th May 2008, 3:21pm) *

This is interesting. They respond to being caught with their hands in the cookie jar by loudly accusing the other side of doing the same thing -- which may very well be the case. The whole episode serves to dramatically highlight the fundamental problems with the structure of Wikipedia.

"Honest reporting"? That sounds a bit like Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America....

It's worth pointing out that the parent organization of "Honest Reporting" is Aish HaTorah, who also founded "Hasbara Fellowships." Just makes the naked hypocrisy even more visible...
Gold heart
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 14th May 2008, 3:21pm) *

This is interesting. They respond to being caught with their hands in the cookie jar by loudly accusing the other side of doing the same thing -- which may very well be the case. The whole episode serves to dramatically highlight the fundamental problems with the structure of Wikipedia.

Interesting! The very same issues are endemic in the British-Irish articles, but go broadly unreported. Pretty sure it's happening all over Wikipedia, except in the "Aspirin" and "Mickey Mouse" articles. The outcome is that the strongest side will always, more or less win the day, a bit like war perhaps. And this is Wikipedia's biggest weakness to getting true and accurate articles presented. mellow.gif
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 14th May 2008, 9:21am) *

This is interesting. They respond to being caught with their hands in the cookie jar by loudly accusing the other side of doing the same thing -- which may very well be the case.

Naw. This is standard practice for abusive people in general, not just guilty people. Catch them on their bs and they whine and cry and suddenly you are attacking them, and its your fault.

Which, in their distorted way of thinking, is true. You have *no right* to confront them, because they have *every right* to do whatever the hell they want. That's the logic.

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 14th May 2008, 9:21am) *
The whole episode serves to dramatically highlight the fundamental problems with the structure of Wikipedia.

Not entirely. The real problems are hidden in the user names of, for example, your favorite "girlfriend" et al.

Most of that level of distension is too complex for the average person to care about. Until someone digs into it and reports it and brings it to the general awareness. Which may well never happen. So it is hard to watch.

QUOTE(Eleland @ Sat 17th May 2008, 11:39am) *

QUOTE(jorge @ Wed 14th May 2008, 10:54am) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 14th May 2008, 3:21pm) *

This is interesting. They respond to being caught with their hands in the cookie jar by loudly accusing the other side of doing the same thing -- which may very well be the case. The whole episode serves to dramatically highlight the fundamental problems with the structure of Wikipedia.

"Honest reporting"? That sounds a bit like Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America....

It's worth pointing out that the parent organization of "Honest Reporting" is Aish HaTorah, who also founded "Hasbara Fellowships." Just makes the naked hypocrisy even more visible...

Makes you wonder where Jayjg fits into all of this.
QUOTE(Heat @ Sat 17th May 2008, 11:09pm) *

Makes you wonder where Jayjg fits into all of this.

There was a wave of very active and fairly competent pro-Israeli editors, including Jayjg, showing up in mid-2004. Others were Viriditas, FeloniousMonk, and MPerel.

I think it's very unlikely that the "Hasbara Fellowship" was the first organized effort to manipulate Wikipedia for pro-Israeli purposes. There was already the Megaphone desktop tool in mid-2006 for the purpose of general internet co-ordination.
QUOTE(jorge @ Wed 14th May 2008, 4:54pm) *

"Honest reporting"? That sounds a bit like Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America....

Actually the article is about CAMERA attempts to subvert NPOV in favor of Israel (even more than it is now) and how they failed miserably because they surely disembarked like the pack of trolls they probably are (first time I read about this organization but it's fairly obvious what they are).

Our Mission

Israel is in the midst of a battle for public opinion – waged primarily via the media. To ensure Israel is represented fairly and accurately "'HonestReporting'" monitors the media, exposes cases of bias, promotes balance, and effects change through education and action.

Our History

It was Yom Kippur, 2000. The Intifada had just broken out and a huge wave of terror had suddenly descended upon Israel. The media in Europe was twisting the story to brand Israel as a bad guy! Jews in the UK were in shock and felt under attack. A few idealists decided enough was enough.

A little romantized but at least they don't try to hide who they are.
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