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Finally, a Good Reason to Declaim Wikipedia
Reason Online, CA -31 minutes ago
The site is criticized for its superficiality, erroneousness, and amateurism, but, in fact, Wikipedia provides ready access to a fact, definition, ...

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The site is criticized for its superficiality, erroneousness, and amateurism, but, in fact, Wikipedia provides ready access to a fact, definition, or overview. No, the real problem with Wikipedia is a stylistic one. Read a dozen entries on the similar topics and they all sound the same. The outline is formulaic, the prose numbingly bland. Sentences unfold in tinny sequence. Perspectives arise in overcareful interplay. If a metaphor pops up, it’s a dead one.

I guess this book (by Mark Bauerlein), or some other blog that mentions/reviews it, is what inspired ol' Dave Gerard to launch this thread on WikiEN-L, which of course turned into the usual self-congratulatory hoo-hah.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Somey @ Fri 23rd May 2008, 10:36pm) *


The site is criticized for its superficiality, erroneousness, and amateurism, but, in fact, Wikipedia provides ready access to a fact, definition, or overview. No, the real problem with Wikipedia is a stylistic one. Read a dozen entries on the similar topics and they all sound the same. The outline is formulaic, the prose numbingly bland. Sentences unfold in tinny sequence. Perspectives arise in overcareful interplay. If a metaphor pops up, it’s a dead one.

I guess this book (by Mark Bauerlein), or some other blog that mentions/reviews it, is what inspired ol' Dave Gerard to launch this thread on WikiEN-L, which of course turned into the usual self-congratulatory hoo-hah.

Looks like Mark Bauerlein is bucking for a bio on Wikipedia.

Jon cool.gif
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Fri 23rd May 2008, 10:42pm) *

Looks like Mark Bauerlein is bucking for a bio on Wikipedia.

Jon cool.gif

First, he should be properly added to the "List of persons associated with Emory University". I hear they just recently freed up space on the list for one additional person.
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