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The Wiki business plan

An on-line encyclopedia solicits advice to help it act more like a real company, while remaining not-for-profit


From Monday's Globe and Mail

May 26, 2008 at 3:49 AM EDT

Sue Gardner was watching CNN the day Luciano Pavarotti died. As news of his death crawled across her television screen at the Wikimedia Foundation last September, she instinctively turned to Wikipedia to update the web page devoted to the Italian tenor.
Captain panda
I don't think that this is really that new. Sue has pretty heavily focused on making Wikipedia more like a company. From doubling the staff to moving the company to San Fransisco, the Wikimedia Foundation is growing and expanding. I can say from experience that when I edit Wikipedia, it does not seem any different at all so I don't know if the changes are good or bad. I guess things like Wikipedia logos on T-shirts might get a bit more revenue, but I doubt that things are going to change much.
"she instinctively turned to Wikipedia to update the web page devoted to the Italian tenor."

She is editing on Wikipedia? What is her username?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(ThurstonHowell3rd @ Mon 26th May 2008, 11:11pm) *

"she instinctively turned to Wikipedia to update the web page devoted to the Italian tenor."

She is editing on Wikipedia? What is her username?

I think she uses a suedonym.

Jon cool.gif
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Mon 26th May 2008, 10:14pm) *
I think she uses a suedonym.

She doesn't have many contribs, though of course there are those who would say that even one comprises foundation-level intervention, management, and possibly even "editorial control" of content:

I get the impression she used to be known as "User:SueG" but got her name changed at some point... Also, she knows who Daniel Brandt is, apparently.

She also wrote the original version of the Article Subjects FAQ, the purpose of which appears to be to officially tell BLP victims "you're screwed."
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 27th May 2008, 3:28am) *

I get the impression she used to be known as "User:SueG" but got her name changed at some point... Also, she knows who Daniel Brandt is, apparently.

She also wrote the original version of the Article Subjects FAQ, the purpose of which appears to be to officially tell BLP victims "you're screwed."

Arrgghh. When the lawsuit is settled, one condition on the WFM should be to make Jimmy Wales, Sue Gardner, and David Gerard dress up in women's kimonos and sing Three Little Maids From School for Youtube. Then, after this total humiliation of Wales and Gardner, all that remains is something to annoy and punish Gerard. happy.gif
Be Prepared

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 27th May 2008, 1:47am) *
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 27th May 2008, 3:28am) *

I get the impression she used to be known as "User:SueG" but got her name changed at some point... Also, she knows who Daniel Brandt is, apparently.

She also wrote the original version of the Article Subjects FAQ, the purpose of which appears to be to officially tell BLP victims "you're screwed."
Arrgghh. When the lawsuit is settled, one condition on the WMF should be to make Jimmy Wales, Sue Gardner, and David Gerard dress up in women's kimonos and sing Three Little Maids From School for Youtube. Then, after this total humiliation of Wales and Gardner, all that remains is something to annoy and punish Gerard. happy.gif

It occurs to me that pretty much everyone associated with Wikipedia would be wise to have a Dithyramb or two at hand.

Or mebbe three...

Three Little Jerks
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