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<img alt="" height="1" width="1">Jimmy Wales Unimpressed With Powerset's Wikipedia Search
PC World -10 minutes ago
As startups and established players strive to develop Google-killer search technology, conceptual differences in their approaches make for interesting ...

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Funniest line:

For starters, finding content on Wikipedia is quite easy, he said. "I find that search at Wikipedia works perfectly fine."
This is really too funny...

JIMBO WALES on Powerset:
...he isn't sold on semantic search technology in general. "I haven't been very persuaded so far by what I've seen about the semantic approach. At least so far, I'm not that interested in it," he said.

MICROSOFT on Powerset:
...the software giant flush with billions of dollars in its war chest, has agreed to buy Silicon Valley semantic search engine Powerset, we’ve learned.

The purchase price is rumored to be slightly more than $100 million. An announcement is expected next month.

Leave it to Jimbo Wales ($14 million invested in to be "not that interested" in a platform worth over $100 million. I honestly have to believe that part of Jimbo's impression of semantic web has been formed by his knowledge that I happen to run a semantic wiki, so therefore, the semantic web is not something in which he's interested.

Disclaimer: Wikipedia is one of the Internet's seven largest wikis using the Semantic Mediawiki application, and (in my opinion) is the most consumer-friendly. We are not at liberty to disclose the status of our own discussions with Microsoft or any other capital-bloated technology companies that are seeking to ride the wave of the semantic web.
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You're right, he's obviously doing a bit of gas-passing here. Powerset's WP search is actually pretty good, particularly in comparison with WP's internal search engine.

I tried just now too, as a point of comparison, and it's not working at all at the moment. All I get, for every phrase I try, is this:

IPB Image

Are they trying to tell us something?
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Somey @ Sat 28th June 2008, 2:22pm) *

You're right, he's obviously doing a bit of gas-passing here.

Is there anything else he does? Seriously.

My mind is stuck with him wearing that funny hat during the WEF Middle East. He looked so foolish.
QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Sat 28th June 2008, 4:06pm) *

My mind is stuck with him wearing that funny hat during the WEF Middle East. He looked so foolish.

We need a photo of this hat. I know there was a black and white hat that he donned at Wikimania 2007 (with his stylish tan and yellow "Wikia" t-shirt), but I haven't seen the World Economic Forum topper. Do share!

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