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Added: March 29, 2008
...This footage was originally destined for a different video but I didn't find it fit.

The end of the song is chopped off because I entered it into a 2 minute competition. It ends with "But for such an odd amalgamation, there is no name, so I'll never get my wikipedia page, no I'll never get mywikipedia page."

Somebody needs to invite this girl to Wikipedia Review, don't you think? We lack video expression of our thoughts and ideas!

QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 9th June 2008, 8:54am) *

Added: March 29, 2008
...This footage was originally destined for a different video but I didn't find it fit.

The end of the song is chopped off because I entered it into a 2 minute competition. It ends with "But for such an odd amalgamation, there is no name, so I'll never get my wikipedia page, no I'll never get mywikipedia page."

Somebody needs to invite this girl to Wikipedia Review, don't you think? We lack video expression of our thoughts and ideas!


But of course "she" is probably a fifteen year old boy.
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