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Wikipedia Updater Fired For Scooping NBC on Tim Russert's Death
Silicon Alley Insider, NY -53 minutes ago
When Tim Russert collapsed ten days ago, his colleagues at NBC held off reporting the news for almost two hours so his family wouldn't hear about it from ...
oops, nevermind. Just do a google search.
I'll do you one better, here's a link:

Y'know, they would have reverted it anyhow. You need a reliable source to prove that a BLP is not longer an LP. There are commonly revert wars on this point by sticklers, even when it really is common knowledge that the subject died. This line from the article is so over-the-top that this author should be fired (well, maybe not quite, but they could use a good slap):
"And it is yet another thing for someone to deliberately strike accurate facts from a collective record to appease an upset client, which is what someone at IBS apparently did." (absurd emphasis not mine)
QUOTE(One @ Mon 23rd June 2008, 1:39am) *

Moderators -- for some reason this link is adding an extra "% twenty" on the mouseover, so the link does not work. What kind of bug is that?

Here is a shorter link:

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 23rd June 2008, 12:27am) *

Wikipedia Updater Fired For Scooping NBC on Tim Russert's Death

Silicon Alley Insider, NY — 53 minutes ago

When Tim Russert collapsed ten days ago, his colleagues at NBC held off reporting the news for almost two hours so his family wouldn't hear about it from …

Huh. Looks like it was Gøøgle Nøøz that added the extra blank (%20) after the "2008/5/".

No, looks like FireFox. It works OK on MSIE.

Now that's a first.

No, again. Somehow it's back.

Must be a bug in our board …

Now that's a first.

Jon cool.gif
The last paragraph of the NYT story says "The lesson seems to be this: as long as there is news, people will try to share it."

Which is true in Wiki's case, c.f. Mark Speight, Chris Benoit, Heath Ledger
The Joy
Mod Note: There is a spacing problem in the URL which keeps coming up on the board. Embedding the link does not work either. In the URL, delete the space between the back slash after the 5 and before the "nbc-scooped." The link should then work.

The Joy
Try it now...

QUOTE(One @ Mon 23rd June 2008, 1:39am) *

interesting, for another reason as well... reporters get a break when they die from the mad media... but anyone they report on doesn't. take care of your own...
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