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I hereby propose that in early 2009, W-R put forward a WP:DRAMAWHORE award.

Name of the award can be toned down, made more tasteful and humorous at your discretion. But dramawhore pretty much describes it.

Leaders IMHO at the halfway point:

#1 - Awaiting a Girlfriend/TonyS/Jenny/whatever

#2 - Durova - not nearly as irritating as #1, but even more visible. Nearly 100% participation.

#3 - Distant third JzG, who's checked into dramawhore rehab for the third time.

I propose a category for Most Ethically Challenged Admin.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 29th June 2008, 8:10pm) *

I propose a category for Most Ethically Challenged Admin.


Badmin-ton champion?

The "Slimmy" Award?

For those that don't win in any particular year, and are no longer at the top of their games, you give them a Lifetime Achievement Award, or Hall of Fame induction. Slimmy, Jayjg, and Jossi, like Peter O'Toole, just aren't at the peak of their craft any more, but merit recognitiion.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Piperdown @ Sun 29th June 2008, 7:58pm) *

I hereby propose that in early 2009, W-R put forward a WP:DRAMAWHORE award.

Name of the award can be toned down, made more tasteful and humorous at your discretion. But dramawhore pretty much describes it.

Leaders IMHO at the halfway point:

#1 - Awaiting a Girlfriend/TonyS/Jenny/whatever

#2 - Durova - not nearly as irritating as #1, but even more visible. Nearly 100% participation.

#3 - Distant third JzG, who's checked into dramawhore rehab for the third time.

Ah, but being a dramawhore (on Wikipedia as elsewhere) is such a complex thing, and requires a lifetime of devotion to the craft. It needs different catagories, as in the Academy Awards. Some of them for technical achievement. And we also need a presentation statuette, perhaps a golden representation of a hooker's lamp-post, topped by the standard Greek theater-masks for laughter and sadness: I would suggest the official award trophy be unofficially named Anticipation of Going Postal, The, but other suggestions are solicited. But to be presented always to the strains of Lili Marlene, and by Paris Hilton while she is alive, if we can get her. Perhaps Madonna if not.


1. Award For the Best Paranoid Rant About My Being in Danger of Being Stalked on WP Because of YOUR Comments. Previous lifetime acheivement winner for entire body of work: Slimvirgin.

2. Largest pineapple found up the butt of an administrator on WP, over some matter which is really an incredibly small and WP:LAME issue. Too many nominations to mention, but we're still soliciting for this year.

3. Greatest hullabaloo over an issue of protection of children, with award presented for anything resembling a suggestion that, For the children, and for their little innocent sakes, all adults must all be confined to a McDonald's Play Place room, until all offspring of their own and those of everyone else have reached a consensual and majoritarian age, lest in the meantime somebody hurt themselves, or others, by being free in the Bad World to Look at Stuff on WP. Free McDonald's Happy Meals served all day (ambulences in attendence as life span of inmates expected to be less than 4 years). This promising new dramatic category holds the special possibility of joint WP/WR awards, to the best team of editors accusing WP of paedoperversion, with criticism made either from inside, or outside, WP.

All worthy suggestions, and we have until next February or so to discuss them. I would say that "most ethically challenged admin" is already covered by the "WP:DICK of Distinction" award. I could see a DramaWhore category.

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Sun 29th June 2008, 3:41pm) *


1. Award For the Best Paranoid Rant About My Being in Danger of Being Stalked on WP Because of YOUR Comments. Previous lifetime acheivement winner for entire body of work: Slimvirgin.

2. Largest pineapple found up the butt of an administrator on WP, over some matter which is really an incredibly small and WP:LAME issue. Too many nominations to mention, but we're still soliciting for this year.

3. Greatest hullabaloo over an issue of protection of children, with award presented for anything resembling a suggestion that, For the children, and for their little innocent sakes, all adults must all be confined to a McDonald's Play Place room, until all offspring of their own and those of everyone else have reached a consensual and majoritarian age, lest in the meantime somebody hurt themselves, or others, by being free in the Bad World to Look at Stuff on WP.

I don't think we should hold a competition on the Stalking issue. We should just issue the lifetime achievement award to SV. I wouldn't call it a paranoid rant; I would call it a calculated gambit.

The butt pineapple issue would seem to fall under WP:DICK.

I hesitate to mock the protectors of children, since everytime I follow the Hot 100 link I get the same cold and clammy feeling.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Sun 29th June 2008, 10:16pm) *

I hesitate to mock the protectors of children, since everytime I follow the Hot 100 link I get the same cold and clammy feeling.

That URL does not display anything. Still, there are some over-the-top things that go on. Like the whole hullabaloo over that record cover and other such non-sense.
Perhaps a hall of fame induction ballot for editors who are no longer active.

Mantanmoreland would probably have a lock if it were held tomorrow, but who knows who might retire by next year?
QUOTE(prospero @ Sun 29th June 2008, 7:55pm) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Sun 29th June 2008, 10:16pm) *

I hesitate to mock the protectors of children, since everytime I follow the Hot 100 link I get the same cold and clammy feeling.

That URL does not display anything. Still, there are some over-the-top things that go on. Like the whole hullabaloo over that record cover and other such non-sense.
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