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Full Version: User:Subjected to harassment
> Wikimedia Discussion > Editors
Fat Mark isn't sure which one it is, but he's sure it's one or the other.

If that user page is to be believed it is so obviously you. What the hell is with that image?
Firsfron of Ronchester
QUOTE(Viridae @ Mon 30th June 2008, 6:01am) *

If that user page is to be believed it is so obviously you.

Seems obvious.

What the hell is with that image?

It's an image showing harassment. Though I hope Greg has not been the subject of sexual harassment on Wikipedia.
I'm groping for words to describe that image.
That image is such a wonderful expression of how photos find their way into Wikipedia.

Nobody had an image of "sexual harassment" actually taking place, so a Dutch junior Wikipedian got to work (probably in his college dorm) creating an accurate reenactment of his impression of what "sexual harassment" must look like in visual form.

As most Wikipedians have very little experience with sex, much less actual sexual harassment, the image turns out a bit... clumsy?

IPB Image

I can imagine Solitude's female free-content partner of the moment said something like, "Look, I don't care how important you think copyleft licenses are, I'll pose for the photo, but you're not touching my boobs!"

And is that a beer bottle on her left shoulder?

It's a shame, because there are so many other great alternative images to depict sexual harassment out there:

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

Why isn't the Wikimedia Foundation seeking to procure free licenses for THESE more appropriate portrayals of "sexual harassment"?

Instead, they have Big Mark-Raul Pellegrini obliterating users who have clearly expressed their experiences of being "subjected to harassment". Wikipedia must be pro-harassment, if you ask me!
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