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Jon Awbrey

Jon cool.gif
that one guy
He's so so from what I've seen, hard to pin him to one real group.
I had lots and lots and lots of interaction with WAS 4.250 in the Wikipedia Review-as-paid-editor days, and then he cropped up again (in defense of "FREEDOM") when we were trying to point out the inappropriateness of Spanking Art being ad supported by Pizza Hut and Weight Watchers on Wikia, Inc. servers.

I still don't know exactly where to stand with him. He's willing to push the envelope with questioning Jimbo's ability to intelligently lead such a project of Wikipedia's scale and importance, but he never goes over the edge and insults Jimbo. I don't know how he does that. I'm always left with nothing but insults to express the level of my disdain for that man.

I've been dialoguing extensively with WAS 4.250 on my talk page, first on the English Wikipedia and now on Meta-Wiki. He has a lot of intellectual stamina, and just enough intellectual inconsistency to annoy me at times. But by and large he's been helpful and harmless, which puts him in a small minority compared to the more haphazard and erratic Wikipedians who delight in jerking people around.

IPB Image

WAS 4.250 on Moulton's Meta-Wiki Talk Page
WAS is his own man. From what he has said on Wiki he is old and ill and can be very temperamental because of it.

He has his own hobby horses such as Avian Flu where he feels the need to evangelise and gets frustrated about the blocks on his information which he believes is well-sourced. He was passionately advocating against SlimVirgin on various farming pages where he was annoyed by her dishonest approach to editing. As Greg mentioned, on the other side, he is a believer in free speech to the nth degree which makes him blind to some of our legitimate concerns with the project. I'm a little confused as to his relationship with Jimbo - he seems to catch Jimbo's eye now and again, presumably going back to relationship built earlier in the project.

I don't agree with him all the time, but he comes across as someone who at least honestly presents his position and I think if you discuss things with him honestly, then you will have a stimulating discussion rather than a flame war.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Mon 7th July 2008, 6:16pm) *

WAS is his own man. From what he has said on Wiki he is old and ill and can be very temperamental because of it.

He has his own hobby horses such as Avian Flu where he feels the need to evangelise and gets frustrated about the blocks on his information which he believes is well-sourced. He was passionately advocating against SlimVirgin on various farming pages where he was annoyed by her dishonest approach to editing. As Greg mentioned, on the other side, he is a believer in free speech to the nth degree which makes him blind to some of our legitimate concerns with the project. I'm a little confused as to his relationship with Jimbo - he seems to catch Jimbo's eye now and again, presumably going back to relationship built earlier in the project.

I don't agree with him all the time, but he comes across as someone who at least honestly presents his position and I think if you discuss things with him honestly, then you will have a stimulating discussion rather than a flame war.

WAS's big problem is that he's a fan of BLP. And when he gets too full of himself on that point, it makes me want to award him the Was scepter, which is that thing that Egyptian pharaohs hold to show they had the power to run the lawn sprinklers, along with other people's lives. In honor of his royal snootiness and being a wet blanket, when it's time for change on WP.

Other than that, I guess he's okay. sad.gif
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Mon 7th July 2008, 9:16pm) *

he is a believer in free speech to the nth degree

Not that there's anything wrong with that...
QUOTE(dtobias @ Tue 8th July 2008, 2:38am) *

QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Mon 7th July 2008, 9:16pm) *

he is a believer in free speech to the nth degree

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

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