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<img alt="" height="1" width="1">Not Fired: The Wikipedia Updater Who Scooped NBC On Tim Russert's ...
Silicon Alley Insider, NY -52 minutes ago
We'll blame the paper of record for this one, which in turn can point the finger at the unnamed NBC News employees who said the IBS dude had been fired. ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 7th July 2008, 4:24pm) *

<img alt="" height="1" width="1">Not Fired: The Wikipedia Updater Who Scooped NBC On Tim Russert's ...
Silicon Alley Insider, NY -52 minutes ago
We'll blame the paper of record for this one, which in turn can point the finger at the unnamed NBC News employees who said the IBS dude had been fired. ...

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Not Fired: The Wikipedia Updater Who Scooped NBC On Tim Russert's Death
Michael Learmonth | July 7, 2008 3:29 PM
We were outraged last month when we read that a low-level employee of Internet Broadcasting Services, who scooped NBC on Tim Russert's death by updating his Wikipedia page, had been fired. Good news: We were wrong!

We'll blame the paper of record for this one, which in turn can point the finger at the unnamed NBC News employees who said the IBS dude had been fired. At the time, we were informed by our own source that the IBS employee had only been suspended, which we noted. And now we have a second source confirming the same thing. Please amend any appropriate Wiki pages accordingly.

That's not that funny to those of us involved in Wikiwars about whether or not media sources are RS and V. They aren't. They run on rumor and handfeeding by spindoctors. Woodward/Bernstein type primary journalistic research by the people writing the stories is just as rare as you can imagine by the amount of time you know this kind of thing takes, vs. how much time the average journalist has. Bleeach tongue.gif
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